The Chapel of Our Lady of Tanya was a hermitage until the end of the nineteenth century. Today this chapel has become the second church for the parish of Laroque des Albères.
The early
At that time the area was called the 'Tanyarède' which means 'an area planted with cherry trees'. This was the initial site of the village prior to its present position on the 'rock', from which Laroque takes its name.

This chapel was
- the nave was vaulted and pillars added
- 1770
Restoration of the facades is being undertaken at the present time.
To the North, there was a cemetery. Bones were found in the nineteen seventies when the area was developed for housing and the road was being added. But archeological excavations were not carried out.
Set into the exterior wall near
The altarpiece
At the heart of the central niche is a plaster statue of the Madonna and Child.
On either side there are two statues, acting as candle holders
The altar table is surmounted by four tiers with and in the center, there is the tabernacle.
The altarpiece is crowned by God the Father above the head of an angel.
The Choir
On each side, there are two apsidioles, each containing a small altar.
The high altar was used until the years 1960-70, at a time when the priests turned their backs on the parishioners to say mass.
Another altar has since been added for the priests to face the congregation.
Among the statues adorning the walls of the chapel is one of Saint Expédit, reputed to be the patron saint of businessmen as well as students during examinations.
The inhabitants of Laroque, including the young, came regularly to pray.
The chapel was completely renovated between 2013 and 2015 (paintings, electricity, facade ....)
The feast of Our Lady of Tanya is celebrated every year in early September.
The mass is followed by a communal meal under the plane trees of the chapel, and afterwards a concert.